Below, a few of my songs. I am playing the piano and other virtual instruments. I’m also doing the vocals.
(Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
I have notebooks that I write ideas and quotes in. Often late at night, when I’m very tired, I’ll write some crazy thing that brushes across my mind. One day I was reading one of my older notebooks and noticed: “Jellybean and rattlesnakes decorate my birthday cake….I need refreshment.”
I honestly don’t remember writing this, but there it was in my personal scrawl. This quote was the seed for this song about a strange birthday party in a place like Wonderland. I dedicated it to Lewis Carrol.
Classical jazz variations on an old rhyme (familiar to the Three Stooges).
Late one night I discovered a mouse living in my piano. At first I was angry and started pounding the keys hoping the noise would scare it away. Nope. Then I laughed thinking, “this mouse probably likes music“. So I wrote this piece for her.
Incident On State Street
Temptation + Hormones = trouble
(temp image)
I Hate Love
Piano Solo / Tango Version
The lyrics for this song were easy to write because they’re based on the painful truth I experienced as a teenager.
I’m playing the piano.
(temp image)
Something New For You
Blah blah blah.